此演出阵容包括来自全马来西亚、新加坡及香港的年轻音乐家,由马来西亚巴赫节艺术总监陈子虔博士率领团队及管弦乐团演出。此音乐会上演巴赫的两部清唱剧:《我从深处向你求告》BWV 131 以及《我所行的一切》BWV 97。
此外,德国著名的巴赫学者米歇爾•茂爾教授博士(Prof. Dr Michael Maul)也将随同马来西亚巴赫节的团队,为每一场音乐会作导听讲座,并为大家推介他的新著《巴赫图文传记》。此传记由马来西亚巴赫节以中英双语出版,由陈子虔博士中译,书中当中集结了德國各大图书馆和博物馆所珍藏的照片共140余副,並以一图一故事的形式,按年份排列巴赫生平的有趣事迹,讲述巴赫在工作、生活和信仰上的經歷,以及他“一切荣耀唯独归於神”的创作理念。
VIP票:RM300 - 凡同时购买两张VIP票劵者,赠予一本《巴赫图文传记》
锺忆莹姐妹 +60168447197
2022 Bach Cantata Lecture Concert Tour & Bach Pictorial Biography Book Launch
Date : 5th August 2022 (Friday)
Time : 8:00PM
Venue : All Saints’ Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu
This performance line-up is comprised of young professional musicians from Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong, under the direction of David Chin, the Artistic Director of Bachfest Malaysia. The concert will present two moving Bach cantatas, namely, Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir (Out of the depths I call, Lord, to You), BWV 131 and In allen meinen taten (In all that I do), BWV 97
Renowned Bach scholar Prof. Dr. Michael Maul will be joining Bachfest Malaysia on this special concert tour to provide pre-concert lectures. The concert tour is also the official book launch for Maul’s Chinese/English version of Bach Pictorial Biography, translated from German to Chinese by David Chin, and published by Bachfest Malaysia. This biography is a collection of more than 140 pictures from nearly 30 libraries, museums and archives throughout Germany, arranged in a "one picture one story" format, with interesting highlights of Bach's achievements explained in chronological order. It describes Bach's work, life and experience of faith, and compositional idea on Soli Deo Gloria.
Ticket : RM50
VIP ticket : RM300 (For every 2 VIP tickets bought together you will receive a copy of “Bach Pictorial Biography”)
Queries regarding the event and tickets,
please contact Sis Vanessa Chung (+60168447197)